"The color red symbolizes the Emperor's fiery nature. Likewise the
Emperor's red eagle represents the alchemical tinctura rubea (red tincture)
which has the solar nature of gold, as the white eagle of the Empress
represents the tinctura alba (white tincture), which has the lunar nature of
silver (Crowley 78). These are the goals of the Great Work: first the white
tincture must be found, then the red, and finally they must be united (Jung,
P&A 232; Silberer 368); this is the mating of Empress and Emperor to beget
Temperance, who mixes the wine and water, the red and white tinctures (Silberer
122, 125)."
- The Pythagorean Tarot by John Opsopaus "Red is the colour of Perfection or alchemic gold; a process sometimes called the "Marriage of Luna and Sol"--the fusion of the human and divine spirit. Under this image is concealed the final secret of the mystic life: that ineffable union of finite and infinite--that loving reception of the inflowing vitality of God--from which comes forth the Magnum Opus: deified or spiritual man." - Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill This mating of the empress and emperor, sun and moon, human and divine, finite and infinite, is considered the central archetype in Carl Jung's psychological theories, a concept he referred to as the alchemical union of opposites. "The Great Work consists of finding the Red Stone, also known as the Philosophers Stone or the Elixir. This (not only a physical substance but also a spiritual one) will transmute everything. Lead into Gold. Man into Superman." - Alchemists By Anders Sandberg |
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